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Your Web Development and Hosting Partner.

Affordable System Analysis & Crisis Management

We provide round the clock Support

OxyTechBD has number of security and infrastructure consultant with higher technical skills and experience to meet all of your state of the art security system and design. Our consultants are able to:

IIntelligently give your company a risk analysis and risk assessments.
for your company's Intranet

CCreate and Redesign an existing system for security flawas
as Reengineering

TTechnically handle any crisis management and
implement Anti Theft procedures

Its complex or simple, Our Security Consultants will take care of your Company security

Our services

  • Security Analysis
  • System Design
  • Security Reviews and Audit
  • Anti Theft Design
  • Workplace Violence Prevention
  • Business Continuity and Resilience
  • Intranet Application
  • Crisis Management

~ Request For A Proposal Today ~

Our Partners

Shova Enterprise Ltd

Since we have partnerd with OxyTechBD, Both of Our business grows up. Their round the clock ICT Consultancy and our Expertise with procurement of Military Items gave us a new dimension in Business.